Using AzureAD PowerShell on *nix machines (Mac, Linux)

The Azure Active Directory team has a lot of great command line tooling. This is available in the Azure Cloud Shell (from the portal) as well as via the AzureAD PowerShell package. The .NET Core version of the PowerShell package is still in development, but is available for us to use as needed. I’ve had to show a few folks how to do this on my team, so I’m recording the steps here as my “notes”. Run all these from an elevated PowerShell session (sudo PowerShell).

  1. Add the PowerShell Test Gallery. This gallery is a test site and may go down for any reason. The command to make it available is:

Register-PackageSource -Trusted -ProviderName 'PowerShellGet' -Name 'Posh Test Gallery' -Location'

  1. Import the package using this command.

Install-Module AzureAD.Standard.Preview
For what it’s worth, I installed PowerShell onto my Ubuntu box using the information over here.

If you need the Azure PowerShell module too, run
Install-Module Az